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Ways Your Job Might Be Getting You Sick and How to Fix It

November 28, 2012

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Here at the end of November, we’re hovering over cold and flu season. You may find yourself feeling reluctant to head to school, the office, or hop that form of public transportation you use to get there.

There will be several times when you should use your judgment to decide whether or not it is appropriate for you and your cough to head into the office, or attend class. For those times when your health is feeling up-to-speed, here are some ways you can avoid getting sick in your work and school environments from

1. Your Lack of Control is Making You Depressed
With a daily routine that is failing to challenge you each day, you are not learning anything new, and you may feel helpless to changing the circumstances. Switching jobs, or changing classes, is not the easiest solution and feeling trapped inside these routine lives can lead to depression. To get yourself out of this slump, first try some mood-boosting activities such as exercising, eating right, or spending time with family. If all else fails, it might be time to talk with someone about the way you are feeling, or even just time for a change of pace in your life.

2. The Stress is Weighing You Down
Deadlines seem to always be hovering over our heads, whether it’s a class assignment, or a request by your boss at work. With deadlines on your tail, it is almost inevitable that unwanted stress is not far behind. Avoid becoming stressed and overwhelmed by managing your time efficiently. Stress has also been linked to cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and high blood pressure. The best solution to stress is to find ways to de-stress throughout the day spent in the office, or the classroom. It may be easier said than done, but simple activities like yoga or reading a book just might be what you need.

3. The Workload is Killing Your Sleep
Checking last minute emails, or staying up late to finish a project due the next day, might be what’s keeping you awake longer at night and causing tiredness the following day. The blue light emitted from the screen of your most coveted electronics actually triggers wakefulness. Use your time wisely and get your projects completed hours before “me time” begins. That email can wait until the morning. Without sufficient relaxation time, stress will also become a burden in your life. Get plenty of rest each night to maximize productivity with each following day.

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