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Student Writing: Olexa Capili’s Graduation Speech

July 25, 2018

On June 24, Plaza College students in the schools of Business Administration, Allied Health, and Legal Studies celebrated Plaza College’s 101st Graduation ceremony. Student speaker Olexa Capili congratulated graduates and offered inspirational words for the future. Read her speech below!

Good morning, Chairwoman Faughnan, President Callahan, Mr. Callahan IV, the Callahan family, faculty and administration, families and friends, guests and most importantly, the graduating class of 2018. It is my honor to share in this momentous occasion with you today.

Today is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Today we celebrate one of the most powerful things the human mind can do: having a goal and carrying it all the way through to accomplishment! There’s nothing quite like the feeling that you worked hard at something and finally had the fruits of your hard labor pay off. We should all be very, very proud of ourselves. We earned our degree!

I’d like to share with you a quote from the philosopher William Durant, which summarizes the teachings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” For all of us, it was the repetition of daily habits that got us here today. Whether it was waking up early and taking public transportation to get to Plaza College, staying up a few hours later at night to study for tests, or giving up fun-filled weekends with family and friends to do schoolwork, it was these daily habits of dedication that have formed our character of excellence.

For everyone here, starting at Plaza College involved taking a chance. For me, that meant being a single mom making a career change in my 30s. As a court reporting student, passing all the weekly speed tests is by far the hardest thing I ever had to do, and that includes giving birth! But my story is just one of many of the people here who each had their own obstacles to overcome, whether it was balancing school and family, school and a job, or even all three. Yet, in the midst of all those tests we passed and failed, our faith in ourselves kept us going through those ups and downs, and here we are today!

And so, my fellow graduates, the good habits we formed in Plaza College will carry on with us for the rest of our lives. As a working court reporter who has been in the field for six months, I would like to offer you three pieces of advice as you embark on your new career.

First, have a strong work ethic. As a newbie in your field, you won’t have all the answers.  But if you show up every day with a smile on your face and a willingness to learn, that’s already half the battle. You’ll have really amazing, fulfilling days in your career, and then there will be days when you don’t want to get out of bed and your job and life will be so stressful that you’ll question why you even chose the career you did! Yet, no matter how you feel, remember what you are committed to, and THAT is what will get you through the next day and the next.

Second, always strive for excellence in everything you do. Your biggest competitor is yourself. If you always have that mentality in life, you’ll only be worried about running your own race and doing your very best. As the saying goes, keep your head down, and keep your hands busy. Let your work speak for itself. It’s only a matter of time before you are recognized for your excellent work.

Third, network, network, and network some more! Hang around positive, like-minded people. Surround yourself with greatness and with people who are more experienced than you in your field. Find a mentor to guide you. If you’re a hard-working and honest person, I promise you’ll find other good people in life to help you along the way.  Join associations, go to conventions, and read articles to keep abreast in your field. I’ve met so many good people who mentored and helped me along the way who I am very grateful to have in my life, including the amazing professors at Plaza College. Remember to keep in touch with your professors and classmates here at Plaza. You never know when and how you’ll cross paths again.

Friends, I invite you today, on your graduation day, to look back and remember what it took to get here and the people who supported you along your journey. And I invite you to do the same thing years from now when you’re at the top of your career. That will keep you humble and grateful for the rest of your life. Remember that life is a never-ending class and we have many teachers along the way.

My fellow graduates, we are living proof here today that with hard work and sacrifice, we can turn dreams into goals and turn goals into reality. We know the formula for success and will continue to duplicate it time and time again. Our graduates fill this auditorium with fervent energy of possibility and a passion for their careers that will leave a lasting impact in their respective fields. In conclusion, I’d like to leave you with this quote from soccer legend Pelé: “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

Congratulations and good luck to the Class of 2018!

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